Ripple vs Ethereum Classic

June 25, 2021

Ripple vs Ethereum Classic

As the blockchain industry has been evolving over the years, there have been a lot of projects that have arisen and have demonstrated their capabilities to service different industries. Among the many projects, Ripple and Ethereum Classic have been prominent ones that have stood out from the rest. In this blog post, we will compare Ripple and Ethereum Classic and help you in understanding their similarities and differences.


Ripple is a San Francisco-based company that offers a global real-time payment system. RippleNet is the payment network for cross-border payments, and it uses XRP as a bridge currency to settle transactions between different currencies. Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum blockchain that was created in 2015. It is designed to provide smart contracts, decentralized apps, and uses Ether tokens for transactions.

Transaction speed:

The transaction speed for both Ripple and Ethereum Classic differs. The average transaction speed for Ripple is around 4 seconds, and it can process around 1500 transactions per second. On the other hand, the average transaction time for Ethereum Classic is around 14 seconds, and it can process around 15 transactions per second.

Consensus mechanism:

Ripple uses a consensus mechanism called the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA), which is a unique consensus mechanism that does not rely on mining. Ethereum Classic, on the other hand, uses a consensus algorithm called Proof of Work (PoW) which is a mining-based consensus algorithm that requires lots of computational power.


XRP is used as the native token for Ripple, which is used to represent the value of different currencies during cross-border payments. On the other hand, Ether is used as the native token for Ethereum Classic, and it is used to execute smart contracts and applications on the Ethereum Classic blockchain.

Market Cap and Price:

Ripple has a higher market cap than Ethereum Classic. As of June 25th, 2021, Ripple's market cap is around $32 billion, whereas Ethereum Classic's market cap is around $3 billion. The current price of XRP is around $0.70, whereas the current price of ETC is around $30.


In conclusion, Ripple and Ethereum Classic are two different blockchain projects that serve different purposes. While Ripple is focused on cross-border payments, Ethereum Classic is more focused on providing a platform for smart contracts and decentralized apps. Both have their strengths, and it is up to the user to decide which one is best suited for their needs.


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